Sunday, April 10, 2011

Look Up!

Last night I had the opportunity to go to the temple. Attending the temple provides a welcomed respite ... a peaceful haven. Normally when I go, I drive in, find the closest parking space I can, and rush inside. My eyes are focused on the doors of the temple as I hurry in. Last night, for some reason, I happened to glance up at the top of the temple. I was rewarded with the view of a gleaming Angel Moroni, and the sun, shining through the clouds acted like a spotlight. It took my breath away. I want to remember that lesson. Look up!! Look up to Heaven. Look up to God. I'll try to shift my focus from the mundane, and look up to the higher goal, use a higher perspective. Lift my eyes, lift my sights, lift my soul.

1 comment:

  1. I love your perspective--I too have treasured moments from remembering to look to the temple--both inside and out. Last winter when the "Great Snow Blizzard" was blowing in a wall of blackness. The lights of the temple seemed to dispel the blackness swirling around it. The image seemed to be like my life--when the blackness is swirling around me, I find refuge in the peaceful light of the temple.. Love you.
