Dear Sis --
I was in the attic today, and found a box that I didn't recognize. I opened it, to find my most treasured possessions from when I was "a little girl." It had my sticker collection that I spent years accumulating and trading. It had my journal that I started when I was 8. It had my high school year books. All "stuff" that I attached happy, special memories to.
As I was sifting through letters Mom wrote me for various occasions, I found an envelope from you. On the front, in your perfect handwriting, it just said, "With Love." From the looks of the handwriting, you were probably in 4th grade or so.
It was an ordinary little envelope. The cards inside were 3x5 cards -- 'cuz that's what Mom always had on hand.
Inside, this is what it said: (Spelling has been preserved here...)
Card #1
J's New Cupon Book
Card #2:
Always have to clean the Bathroom?
This cupon good for...
1 week of cleaning the Bathroom
Card #3:
Sometimes you get lazy and knowone will do favors for you.
The cupon good for 33 favors.
33 Favors
Card #4:
Do you have things that are unorganixzed or things you just don't want to put away?
Organize things for 3 weeks
1 Exceptoin
You have to tell me where things go.
3 weeks
Card #5:
Hate rincing? I don't blame you!
The cupon is good for...
good for... O, um 4 days of ...
... me rincing the dishes for you.
(gulp) (Just kiding)
1 expetion
Excpet on Sundays
When you have used this for 4 days
Card #6:
Have a unmade bed problem?
Make your bed for two weeks
Excpire Date
in three weeks
I sat in the cold attic and laughed and cried over this little card.
I was awed by the sense of humor you had:
-- 33 Favors -- 39 Flavors. Very Funny.
-- Exception: No rinsing dishes on Sunday.
Do you remember how much we all hated dish duty on Sundays? We were convinced that Mom did Sunday dinners just to torture us at the sink afterwards.
It was written on 3x5 cards, because that is what Mom had around. I'm sure you loved paper then, but probably didn't have access to the beautiful stuff you truly love now. I wonder how long you hunted for pretty paper before you gave up and used the lined cards Mom kept stocked in her desk drawer.
I wondered if I really appreciated your fun personality, way back when.
Because, if you were spelling "coupon" as "cupon" you couldn't really have been all that old. I hope I was nice to you. I hope I wasn't the proverbial older sister that was too cool for you. I fear I might have.
You've probably long since forgotten even creating that "cupon book." What I want you to notice is where I found your envelope. It was in my box of treasures. My very special treasures. Carefully saved for 20+ years. I never wanted to forget it. Your "cupon book" moved me then. It moved me today.
I don't know if I ever officially "redeemed" those cupons. But over the years, you have fulfilled those cupons many times over. You've done my dishes more times than I could count. And I don't ever remember you invoking the Sunday exception clause. You've come to organize my stuff when I couldn't do it. You've brought me meals when I forgot to eat. You've stopped in just to say hello.
You tucked a beautiful calendar in my bag to remind me of my new beautiful life.
33 Favors has turned into a lifetime of love.
Thanks for being such a good sis.
I love you.